Estimate Calculator

Our estimate calculator is meant to give a rough idea of what the labor portion of your project will cost.

Simply choose the service you need and enter the square footage of your space for an instant estimate. All labor pricing is also listed here on our site. Please Note: The costs provided by the estimate calculator for sanding & refinishing and sadness refinishing are all inclusive and include all supplies. The installation rates provided are for basic installation labor only. Other labor/materials are not factored into these rates so things like; the flooring materials, flooring removal, patching, subfloor work, repairs, leveling, grinding, moldings, vents, stairs etc will cost extra. For a more accurate estimate, simply use the contact form here on our site or email the details to us at Helpful info includes; pictures of the area(s) that you’d like to have done and the room dimensions, architectural plans or the square footage. We’ll gladly visit your home after we’ve provided your initial emailed estimate and you’ve confirmed your intent to hire our company. Please understand, we’re a small company and the demand for our services exceeds our man power, so this is how we need to handle estimating.

Calculate a Free Estimate


Thank you, we will contact you soon !

We Offer Five Main Services

Choose your service below.

Sanding & Refinishing

Sandless Refinishing (floors that were finished onsite)

Sandless Refinishing (factory finished solid or engineered floors)

Install, Sand, Finish, or Unfinished Solid

Engineered Flooring


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Sanding & Refinishing

3 coatings Natural/Clear Finish. $4.99/sf or $2,500 minimum.


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Sanding & Refinishing



Basic Coatings Street Shoe or Bona Traffic HD. $0.99/sf.



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Sandless Refinishing

$1.49/sf. or $750 minimum.


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Sandless Finishing


For added protection. $0.75/sf.

Bona Traffic HD Commercial Finish. $0.75/sf.


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Sandless Refinishing

$1.99/sf. or $750 minimum.


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Sandless Refinishing


3 coatings Natural/Clear Finish. $4.99/sf or $2,500 minimum.

For added protection. $1/sf.


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Install, Sand, Finish

$8.99/sf or $2,500 minimum.


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Install, Sand, Finish



Add Bona Traffic HD Commercial Finish. $0.99/sf.

Rubio Monocoat. $0.99/sf.


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Install - Prefinished Solid or Engineered Flooring

$4.99/sf or $3,000 minimum.


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Install - Prefinished Solid or Engineered Flooring




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Final cost

The final estimated price is :


Description Information Quantity Price
Discount :
Total :